News Capsule for the Month of September 2024

Following are the top news for the month.   If you wish to follow and get notifications of future articles, you can sign up using the email on the left sidebar.  Article of the month Kerala  P V Anwar MLA explodes many allegations against the state police.  Kochi Metro Phase-II works begin with alternate arrangements for traffic.  Hema Committee report released after court's intervention.   A wave of MeToo allegations hit film stars including Nivin Pauly and Siddique. Siddique applies for anticipatory bail in SC.  Wayanad is looking to revive the region mainly through tourism.  Youth Congress march to Kerala Secretariat demanding CM's resignation turns violent. Banana leaves for Onasadya: Rs 4 crores flow to Tamil Nadu for a 10-day Onam Festival. Opposition protests against Kochi Mayor's inaction on Dengue Spread.  Nipah Virus was confirmed in Malappuram following the Youngster's death. Kerala sees two M-Pox cases.  Actor Mukesh is interrogated by SIR for assault allega

An Analysis of Biden Administration's Accomplishments and Do Democrats Deserve Another Term?

Joe Biden was the oldest president of the United States and once the youngest senator. His ambitions and achievements propelled him to take up the job of Presidency. He has always been trying to run for Presidency but the time and fate hadn't favoured him. Joe Biden became the US’ 46th Prime Minister in 2020 with a massive victory in November 2020. 

Before becoming the president of the United States, he spent eight years as vice president from 2009 to 2017 under Barack Obama. As the VP, he focused on Foreign Policy and National Security, diplomacy, working with a divided Senate, and overseeing the various legislations. Additionally, he was the man behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a $787 billion stimulus package post-2008 crisis to bring back the American economy. Although, his most notable career has been as a Senator for 36 years where he got elected to the Senate at the age of 29 years. In the Senate, he served as the Chair of both the Foreign Affairs and Judiciary Committees. He was also the Committee Chair who oversaw the appointment of Justice Clarance Thomas. 

Fact Finder- Joe Biden has never lost an election whenever he was on the ticket. 

Biden Presidency 

The victory of Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential elections came as no surprise. He became the President at a very polarised time, with Donald Trump not accepting and conceding the 2020 election results and refusing a peaceful transition of power. The new administration had to take charge of everything from scratch during a difficult time. The government had to overcome both domestic and international challenges amidst the raging pandemic. This article is aimed at discussing achievements and the pitfalls of the Biden Administration in its tenure starting from 2021.


The first and foremost is the need to discuss the context of the election of the Biden administration. The pandemic was at its peak, vaccines were yet to hit the market, misinformation was at its high and the deaths in the US due to the pandemic were extremely high due to lax policies of the Trump Administration and the economic crisis that followed. 

Biden had an extraordinary victory mainly riding over the mishandling of the pandemic as well as the uncertain economic situation at that time. The pandemic killed more people in the US than the Second World War and many people in the US yet deny the existence of the pandemic in the first place. Hence, the main achievement of Biden would be to bring back the US to normalcy which it has achieved in two years since 2021. Incentivising testing, vaccination and supporting the fight against the Pandemic across the globe have been the key policies of the administration at that time. Vaccine mandates and the misinformation against taking vaccines were very controversial at that time. He passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to prevent attacks against Asian Americans during the Pandemic.

The second important achievement and one of the initial decisions taken by the administration was concerning the January 6th insurrection which is to punish the culprits and prevent such incidents from taking place in future. A special bipartisan Congressional committee named Jan 6th was formed representing equally from both Republicans and Democrats. The Committee examined the incidents that happened on that day, threats from both inside and outside the capital, the role of leaders including ex-President Trump, and his aides, hate speeches, threats to life and death chants to ex-VP Mike Pence and ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The committee examined the visuals from CCTV and testimonials to investigate the same.

Thirdly, the U.S. economy rebounded from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic under Biden’s leadership. Over 12 million jobs were created during his first two years, marking one of the fastest recoveries in U.S. history. The stock market has hit a new high in 2024. Pay Check Protection Program (PPP) Extension Act enhanced extended support for Businesses that were affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Overturning the past bad decisions- The harmful and ill-informed decisions taken under the Trump administration such as the Muslim travel ban, exit from the Paris Climate Accord, exit from World Health Organisation (WHO), exit from UNESCO, exit from UNHRC, extensive support to Israel and Saudi Arabia etc. were all revoked. Biden Administration believes that the USA can be carbon neutral within 2050 with Carbon-free electric grid by 2035.

Legislative Achievements 

Biden has been one of the most successful presidents in recent times to have the highest legislative successes. This is despite the massive polarisation among both parties and an extremely divided Congress. Despite his moderate political views, he has been more progressive than many contemporary progressive politicians. Following are his legislative successes. In the first two years, the Congress was with Democrats and in the next two years, it was with Republicans. Despite that, the number of laws passed is immense and only rivalled Franklin D Roosevelt and Lyndon B Johnson.

American Rescue Plan- This is a policy Biden Administration in their initial days to rescue the Americans from the pandemic. This included incentives for businesses and stimulus for the people through paychecks.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act- This act poured $1.2T into the US economy in the infrastructure sector which comprises Highways, Clean Energy, Bridges, Railways and much more. This is the highest U.S. federal govt. Spending in the infrastructure sector ever since the time of Pres. Dwight D Eisenhower. This act will replace the crumbling infrastructure in the US. Today, even many Republicans who never voted for the bill want to claim credit for it. Biden himself being a fan of trains has poured the highest amount into the Amtrack System. 

The Inflation Reduction Act- The bipartisan act was aimed at reducing the increasing prices. The focus has been given to switching from expensive and ailing fossil fuels to renewable energy, lowering drug prices, improving tax collection and much more. The act came up as a result of Senator Joe Manchin's opposition to certain provisions in the Build Back Better Act. This bill will increase tax security, energy security, and healthcare security overall. Additionally, this also enhanced the Child Tax Credit expanding the benefits to families with Children.

The Science and Chips Act- The bill was designed to make the USA a science and tech manufacturing hub. How? Make USA competitive in semiconductors, AI, Quantum Computing, Biotechnology, and advanced energy. This will help the USA now compete against its rival China in this particular field. In the background of the tech cold war, such an investment will be helpful for the USA. Additionally, it will create thousands of jobs in the country. By 2023, it bore fruits in states like Ohio, Oregon, California, New Mexico etc.

Safer Communities Act- Gun Rights have always been a matter of debate in American Politics. This act was aimed at enhancing background checks for gun owners and enhancing mental health programmes for people with disorders.

Postal Service Reform Act- Passed to assist the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), and its workers and expand its infrastructure.

Besides, there are other acts such as the Pact Act for enhancing schemes for the Veterans, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization, the Ocean Shipping Reform Act which eases problems within the Shipping Industry and many more. 25th September was the thirtieth anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). President Joe Biden was the one who authored and championed the legislation as a senator.

Foreign Policy

The US President’s job involves largely framing and shaping the country’s foreign policy. He appointed experienced diplomat Antony Blinken as the Secretary of State. Biden’s main set of achievements came in the foreign policy segment. As we know, Biden was the Senate Chair for foreign affairs before becoming the Vice President. Also, Biden has good experience working with leaders like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping under the Obama administration. The biggest achievement of Biden ever since his campaign in 2020 has been reassuring the larger involvement of the USA in world affairs alternate to Trump’s isolation. Europe has been the biggest beneficiary of the same.

Ukraine- Support for Ukraine has been the main parameter by which Biden has been advancing pro-West and Rules-Based Order values. Isolating Russia and uniting Europe against the adversary has been a successful project that the US has always vouched for. The US is back as the biggest backer of the EU’s policies on multiple issues which benefits the USA. Through the American policy on Ukraine, the West has been successful in isolating Russia. US Congress today has provided more than $175 billion worth of aid of which $68 billion is for the military. This figure includes direct military aid, economic assistance, and humanitarian support. Despite all the propaganda on social media, most of the money stays in the USA generating positive returns for the US economy, while sending weapons to Ukraine. Only a fraction of the entire money allotted actually goes to the Ukrainian government.

NATO- Many would have argued a few years back that the US’ hold is weakening and NATO is getting irrelevant but today NATO is more relevant, stronger, and united than ever. Most importantly NATO is expanding due to the wrong actions of Russia and even Finland and Sweden have joined the alliance. Today there is a much more favourable opinion in favourable of USA under Biden from Europeans than the USA under Trump. On the 75th anniversary of NATO, the Washington Summit saw a very strong message that NATO is stronger than ever which was hosted by President Biden. This was a grand success attended by newly elected Kier Starmer and newly joined member Sweden. They also elected Mark Rutte as the new Secretary General of NATO.

Climate Change- One of the first decisions Biden took after taking charge was to rejoin the Paris Climate Deal. Earlier Trump had walked back on several of the US’ commitments to fight against Climate Change which has drastically changed under this administration. This will also mean, that the US is back as the front runner on the same.

Indo-Pacific- In recent years Indo-Pacific has been the buzzword in Geopolitics. Biden has rightly taken forward the importance given by the Trump Administration to this region and also followed Obama’s Pivot to Asia Foreign Policy focusing more on Asia than the Middle East. Countering China in the region and focusing on Freedom of Navigation in Open Seas (FONOPS).

QUAD- or the Quadrilateral Alliance between the US, Australia, Japan, and India has been created to counter the rise of China in the larger Indo-Pacific Region. Although QUAD did not start under President Biden, the current administration has been instrumental in taking forward this initiative as part of its foreign policy agenda. He held the first Leaders’ Summit in 2021 which continues as an Annual Summit. Quad Vaccine Partnership was launched to provide up to one billion COVID-19 vaccines to Indo-Pacific nations by the end of 2022

AUKUS- The Biden Administration has been effective in creating a trilateral security alliance between Australia, the UK and the US to collaborate on nuclear technology. This collaboration is on Nuclear Powered Submarines and not exactly on nuclear weapons. Hence, this will improve the capabilities of the Australian Navy and challenge Chinese dominance in the Pacific region.  A big flipside has been the sidelining of France, who already was part of an old alliance- ANZUS and had a contract with Australia on nuclear-powered Submarines which it gave up when signed with AUKUS. France was not informed in advance about the AUKUS deal and the subsequent cancellation of the submarine contract which created a diplomatic rift between France and AUKUS countries.

Israel- Since the Oct 7 attack in Israel, Biden has been a staunch supporter of Israeli retaliation to Hamas but at the same time he has been liberal in giving support to the Palestinians in the form of aid, funds, diplomatic help and much more. Till now, the US Congress has given.  Even, the most recent ceasefire has been attributed to the Biden Administration. Although many Israeli critics also blame Biden for enabling war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza. This has not only affected him internationally but also domestically disenfranchising his own voters.

I2U2- This is a quadrilateral alliance of India, Israel, USA, and UAE. It is also known as the West Asian QUAD. The four countries work together on multiple domains mainly in civilian areas such as climate change, clean energy, food security, technology, etc. India has been the biggest recipient of this as the USA, Israel, and UAE are trying to invest a lot in India. This initiative can be seen as USA’s re-alignment for the West Asian region.

Taiwan- Ever since the end of World War II, the Republic of China has been a close ally of the USA. Since, the recognition of the People’s Republic of China, the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 governs the relations between both countries. All the administrations since then have provided aid and support to the Government of Taiwan to prevent it from being annexed by China.  The Congressional Delegation led by Nancy Pelosi in 2022 has been the most notable US-Taiwan collaboration. How far the is USA ready to help Taiwan has been a question looming for years. Hence, Biden has been instrumental in supporting Taipei to stand up against Beijing. Trump in a recent interview claimed that Taiwan should not receive any aid and defence support as the US should not be seen as an insurance company. Biden continued the exercises in the Taiwan Strait for Freedom of Navigation in the region. Similarly, the USA has opted to support Taiwan in the Semiconductor Supply Chain resilience. The USA believes in the independent existence of Taiwan and should be protected from China at all costs.

India-US relations- There has been a massive improvement in the same. Despite both countries having seen improving relations since the Bush administration, the relations have never been as good as it's now. Even during the Trump administration, India was threatened by CAATSA sanctions and tariffs. Biden invited PM Modi for State Visit which is the highest diplomatic offering possible, and called for a joint address of the US Congress. Additionally, both countries are engaged in technological sharing and being part of multiple alliances. Biden Administration believes in the same and has actively worked for that. The US also played a pivotal role in the formation of the India-Middle-East-Corridor (IMEC) during the 2023 G20 Summit.  

China- Compared to the Trump rhetoric of taking China head-on-head, Biden has been trying to contain and rival China instead of escalating the situation. However, Biden has continued to follow most of Trump’s policies on China such as containment and tariffs. There is no evidence to suggest that Biden is anyway soft on China than Trump. Hence, whether it be the Democrat or Republican Administration in the Congress or White House, both will continue to be hawkish on China. Moreover US is trying to limit China the access to Western Technology and 100% tariffs on Chinese-manufactured EVs. 

Besides Biden did extensive work to Free Americans from Russian Prisons in the largest USA-Russia prison swap since the Cold War. Also, he tried his best to waive the student loan debt but was not successful as SCOTUS had overturned it multiple times. Also, for the first time since 1932, the ruling party did their best performance for the midterms despite predictions of a Red Wave.

Failures of the Biden Administration

No President’s term is free without failures and controversies. Hence, Biden’s single term was also marred by a lot of controversies and several policy failures. As far as domestic policy is concerned, Inflation has been the biggest obvious phenomenon which grabbed the headlines throughout the term. Even though inflation has been record-low since 2020, high prices of groceries are still pinching families.

The biggest and the most talked about of this government can be said about the hasty pull-out of troops from Afghanistan. Even though the Doha Agreement would have pulled out all the troops, the extent of its management was up to the Biden Administration. With the hasty decisions and overestimating local support, US plans failed as the Taliban took control of Kabul within hours of US withdrawal. The Afghan army which was supposed to deal with the problem, gave up without fighting. All this contributed to a massive policy failure on the side of Afghanis and the US administration. But on the question of whether this is a problem that Biden created, Not truly because this would have been the same under any president. Afghan withdrawal would have been chaotic under Trump as well.

Support for Ukraine although saw massive enthusiasm initially, has started to fade in both Europe and the USA. Most of the Republicans and a handful of Democrats are refusing to continue to provide monetary support to Ukraine. The situation across the globe has slowed American public support for this war.  Additionally, even though the USA has united the West in the case of both Israel and Ukraine, countries of the East and Middle East have taken either a neutral or pro-Russia stance. Many Americans and people across the globe are angry at the USA for prolonging the war or increasing the suffering. Also, countries of the Global South mainly in Asia and Africa were reluctant to sever ties with Russia and stop buying oil and weapons from Russia. Additionally, China, Iran and North Korea have ganged up with Russia to counter the American Rules-Based Global Order. The fears of sanctions had also forced a lot of countries to rethink putting all their reserves in US Dollars and instead try to diversify.

The Middle East has been largely peaceful (aka no war; not intended as perpetual peace) since 2020. The Biden Administration was trying its best to extend the Abrahamic Accords to Saudi Arabia as well. Israel-Palestine conflict extended after the October 7th 2023 Attack. In order to destroy Hamas and seek revenge, Israel invaded Gaza for the first time in 2005. With 40,000 dead, there is no sign of this invasion ending. For the past year, students on American Campuses, Arab-Americans, and a few Democrats have been unhappy with both Biden and Harris for their stance on the issue which recklessly arms Israel and does not take into account various war crimes.   

Immigration has also seen massive controversy in the past year. Biden administration for four years was trying their best to address the root causes of immigration from Latin American countries. Kamala Harris was in charge of leading the delegation to these respective countries. The borders were closed during the COVID-19 Pandemic under Title 42. In March 2023, Title 42 was lifted followed by which saw massive illegal migration flowing to the United States via Southern Border. This was also backed by the psychology that the Biden Administration is more lenient on immigration. After massive outrage within the country especially from opponents like Trump, Biden decided to pass an executive order which stopped giving asylum to those immigrants who cross the border illegally. By now there was a lesser number of immigrants crossing into the US. Before this, the administration tried its best to pass one of the strongest Bipartisan Border Security Bill in history Because Trump felt that Immigration was one strong area of his campaign, he had asked the GOP Congressmen to not vote for the same, prolonging the crisis.

To what extent the reversal of Trump’s decisions was successful is quite hard as Biden is still hard on China, the tariff imposed continues and is hurting the American Economy, the support to Israel is still very much evident, and nothing has been done on the embassy in Jerusalem and moreover stitching back the JCPOA agreement of 2015 is not done yet despite multiple opportunities arising. The Iranian regime has become harder-lined ever since moderate Hassan Rouhani left Office.

Biden’s Exit

Joe Biden like any other President was eager to seek a re-election. He had multiple times tried to be in the race for decades, but it was only in 2020 that he became the President. His health had significantly deteriorated in the past three years of Presidency which became pretty evident in 2024. After the first Presidential Debate on 26th June 2024, his age, abilities to handle the job and most importantly his narrowing path to victory became a matter of concern. Finally, a month later, he dropped out of the race and nominated his Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Presidential Candidate and be the successor of his legacy. By doing this, he made sure his track record of winning every election whenever he was on the ticket remained intact. He is leaving the post of Presidency with a mixed bag of promises yet to be fulfilled and partially completed. 

Entry of Kamala Harris

Being his Vice President, she brought in the experience and legacy. At the same time, his failures and mishaps also were now a burden. Moreover, she was unfamiliar to many Independent and Undecided voters which are crucial parts of the election. Now, Kamala Harris is taking on Donald Trump with much more favourable numbers. Although, the victory of either candidate this year is not possible without winning one state in the Rust Belt. Being from Pennsylvania, Joe Biden had much more grip on the Rust Belt. Although for Kamala Harris, she has a better chance in the Sun Belt States. Ideally, she can reach the white house comfortably if she manages to win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin as well as at least one state among Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona. The importance of Nebraska’s Second Congressional District has also risen if the Democrats want to avert a tie.

Roe v Wade was the biggest issue that has grabbed headlines ever since 2022 after SCOTUS overturned the same. It is also a big issue in the 2024 elections as a same. Besides Trump, a few Republicans have called for a federal abortion ban which has created more fears in the liberal circles.  On the flip side, Kamala Harris has promised to codify the same but this will require the Congressional support. Reproductive Rights has been the most important campaign slogan of all the Democrats.

Do Democrats deserve the White House again?

Biden ideally represents an average American voter- a moderate, working-class, and Catholic Christian values. American In 2020, the main reason behind his success has been the coalition building of a unique set of voters. He was able to bring together the Democratic Party along with a segment of Anti-Trump Republicans which was the path to his election. Similarly, a lot of swing voters in 2020 were from the Suburbs and some even stood with Democrats in 2022. In 2024, Democrats have tried to broaden the coalition to a wider Democratic+Anti-Trump Republicans+Suburban women coalition. 

Democrats were highlighting the consequences of a Trump second term. They believe that Trump's victory will break the US system leading to Isolationism bringing back the era of high tariffs, rolling back on immigration and keeping itself away from world affairs (the 19th century American Worldview). Europe wants a strong USA. So are its allies, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Israel, Ukraine, India, and many others. Democrats need to convey more about their achievements to the people through efficient communication, instead of shying away from the fact that Biden is an old man and the fact that Progressives hate his stance on Israel. 

Whether they deserve the White House Again? People in America will decide soon in November. 


Unlike the top-rated Presidents who have got multiple terms, Biden only had a single term to prove his calibre. The accomplishments he has achieved are immense for a single-term President. Whether it be legislative achievements, foreign policy, or other promises he made. 

In 2020, many people believed he would be a transitionary President. Beating this popular thought, Biden tried to seek re-election. But eventually, at the 11th hour, he had to give up his power and ambition for a greater cause. Handing over the torch to Vice President Harris and running mate Tim Walz, he changed the course of the democratic party without damaging the coalition Biden built in 2020. 

On the policy front, with over 50 years of contributing to the country by being part of both Congress and the White House, he will remain one of the most experienced political leaders in the USA and the world.

Note- This article is the author's compilation on the topic which is designed to improve the reader's knowledge on the topic rather than promote or demote a viewpoint. 

Here's a book on Joe Biden. Here's a Book, he himself authored.


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