This is not a political topic but a common sense which is necessary for us to address the most important. It has been 4 months since covid 19 has been directly affecting our lives, then on came quarantine and lockdown. Now it's time for us to move on. You will understand that, even by watching the tone of News channels has changed from March till Mid-May. From prevention, now everyone is discussing how to get back to on track.
As of today, India has surpassed 100,000 cases and by the time you read, it will have crossed 125,000 or more. The total cases across the world have crossed a whopping 5 million, which is the population of Singapore.
We can't put ourselves in lockdown forever. Man has never sat at home forever just because he can't take up reality. It is impossible. man has always adapted to the situation and learnt to deal with it. The other main reason we have to move on itself has been seen when we implanted lockdown.
The most commonly used term "Flattening the curve" is the main reason why the lockdown was implemented. It was to slow the spread of the virus and keeping the health systems stay intact. Thus the virus will stay amongst us for a very long time say more than a year.
Most of the countries have flattened their curve. WHO itself said in a press conference that virus is not going anywhere. You can't defeat the virus in the first place, so automatically you need to live with it. Just like we live with many diseases like HIV, Hepatitis, TB etc. Just like how you take individual precautions for each disease, the same way works here too.
The shops must open, public transport should be back in a phase-wise manner, flights should restart, factories should start production etc.
Everyone around us is quite protectionist nowadays claiming to be Atma Nirbhar India and so on. Do we even realise how is this going to happen? Is it something which we get by uninstalling TikTok? The same population will have a Chinese manufactured phone- Redmi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, One Plus, Lenovo etc. Even Samsung and Apple are manufacturing in China. These people can't even name a single Indian mobile phone company and call for Chinese boycott through Chinese phones and American social media apps.
Even though Tiktok is a Chinese app but the majority of the content comes from India. The same people will cry on Facebook, Youtube, Whatsapp to uninstall foreign apps. Then are these apps also Indian? Then they will reply that the Content comes from India! Yes, that's right. There are millions of people in India who earn money from Youtube and Facebook. You can't run a fake nationalistic campaign. The same incident happened in 2016, where people uninstalled Snapdeal instead of Snapchat. Now after this much happening, we still want foreign companies and "Make In India"? We are being hypocrites here.
The US has it's own America First, India has India first, Britain has isolationist Brexit and China is always "Make In China". Now each country is trying to take out its space. But these hypocrite nations cried a few months back for Medicines and PPE kits to the global community. The amount of false propaganda spread out is being so much that we forget the hypocrisy and just fall for it.
We can't let ourselves and the economy down. Obviously, lives are essential than the economy. But we don't think where the food we ordered on Swiggy or groceries we ordered on Big basket comes from. There are thousands of lives working behind the screen to keep our lockdown lives smooth that we don't give damn importance. Maybe we don't have any issue because we have good jobs or parents do have one which is not the case with the majority of India.
The government can procure the goods from farmers only until they produce and give it as ration. Once it's done sowing, irrigation, nutrition etc has to be done on time. If seeds, pesticides etc. are not available a season is lost, and the farmer loses its revenue. The bank will close the loan and he will not get more credit. public transport is essential for helping people get to their place of work. Not everyone in India can afford a vehicle to go to work during the lockdown and especially without earnings.
Majority of Indians work for less than a dollar, which is less than Rs 75 a day. How long will these people survive just by sitting at homes? Now even the companies are looking for a wage cut of labourers. How will everything be back on track?
We need to put the exact balance on life and economy. We can't pitch everything to be as normal as it was in March first week but a phase-wise withdrawal is ultimately required. Ending the student's academic year is also important and essential steps should be taken. Proper money circulation and liquidity are essential to keep our lives running.
Also, in fact, the health system is working better, it is not overflowing with patients we still can approach it if we have Covid. Community spread has also not been stated in India. The govt cannot take care of 1.35 Billion people. Everyone has to take care of themselves and then depend on the govt for help like education and health. The govt can give you healthcare or education, it can't work on your behalf, which no one else can take care of.
Our government is like Abhimanyu in Mahabharata who was stuck in the Chakravyuh. It is very easy to implement a lockdown but very hard to withdraw from it. The Chakravyuh stands for lockdown.
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